Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

New York: LGBT support would boost national run for Mike Bloomberg....

Bloomberg Backs Pride ‘All New Yorkers Should have the right to marry’
Monday, June 05, 2006 NY Blade
...The Times, New York Magazine, The New York Sun and CNN have all speculated recently about the mayor’s presidential potential even as he repeatedly rejects such inferences. But if Mayor Bloomberg did have greater ambitions, Geto said, the LGBT community would be a big part of the coalition he would need to build as an independent candidate. “The LGBT community has proven itself extraordinarily influential in national politics,” he said.
Geto, who headed Howard Dean’s campaign in New York, said Dean’s candidacy was disproportionately funded and staffed by gays and lesbians, especially in the very beginning before the anti-war movement embraced Dean. Geto said the community felt a great deal of loyalty toward Dean for signing the Vermont civil union legislation.
“If someone was going to try to have a campaign that captured the imagination of the American people and run a true independent race, if they had a lot of LGBT support it sure would be a boost,” said Geto.
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